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Ep. 104 - Is the Road to the Future Paved with Upcycled Plastic? Shelly Zhang and Molten Materials Thinks So

As you’ll hear in this episode, the death of Shelly’s father led to the birth of her company, Molten Materials. Armed with her PhD in engineering, Shelly has pioneered a method of taking plastic waste and upcycling it into pavement sealers, asphalt rejuvenators, and more.

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Ep. 80 - Is What You Believe About Food Sustainability Wrong? Robert Paarlberg Thinks So.

In this interview, Rob makes his case for more technological innovation in food, not less, including finding ways to reduce the number of animals humanity is raising for food. I found his book eye-opening and hope you’ll enjoy hearing his perspective on food sustainability in this new interview.

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Ep. 73 - From Dust to Dust...or to Soil: Katrina Spade and the Recompose Vision for an Eco-Friendlier Death Industry

Katrina Spade is on a mission to offer a better way to deal with human corpses, and it involves a process called natural organic reduction. It’s essentially a fancy way of saying she’s invented a method of accelerated composting for your body. Rather than cremating your corpse, which involves substantial pollution, and rather than burial, which typically means sealing your body off from nature with concrete liners, hermetically sealed caskets, preservatives in your body, and more, Katrina wants to turn your body into healthy, rich soil, within just one month.

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Ep. 72 - Plastic that Won’t Last Forever: Kristin Taylor and the Radical Plastics Story

Radical Plastics is essentially asking the question: what if all that plastic lining our highways or floating in the ocean would actually biodegrade? That’s the promise of the technology that they’re pioneering. They’ve discovered a mineral concoction that when added during the manufacturing of conventional plastic—at even less than one percent—will eventually convert that plastic into food that microbes will recognize and eat.

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Food & Beverage, Sustainability Paul Shapiro Food & Beverage, Sustainability Paul Shapiro

Ep. 71 - Life as a Scrappy Startup Exec: Doni Curkendall and The Better Meat Co.

For the past 2+ years, I’ve often said that I may be the face of our company, but Doni is the backbone, serving as our Executive Vice President and overseeing all of our operations and logistics. She’s truly integral to the enterprise, and in this episode, Doni shares her secrets about what she’s looking for in job applicants, what the transition from nonprofit exec to scrappy startup has been like, how she thinks about compensation packages in Startupland, and more.

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Ep. 68 - Using Tech to Drive Change: Google.org and Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink

Brigitte Hoyer Gosselink is Head of Product Impact at Google.org, where she leads initiatives that leverage emerging technologies and Google’s expertise to address global challenges. She is currently focused on how AI can be used for social impact through efforts like the $25M Google AI Impact Challenge.

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Ep. 67 - Where’s the Animal-Free Materials Revolution? Nicole Rawling of the Material Innovation Initiative Wants You to Launch It

Enter the Material Innovation Initiative, a relatively new nonprofit organization started by veterans of the animal welfare and animal-free food space. Their goal: to be the Good Food Institute of animal-free materials, helping to attract investment and entrepreneurial activity to build a new industry of animal-free fur, leather, silk, and more.

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Ep. 65 - Pineapple Express to Disrupting Leather: Mélanie Broyé-Engelkes and Piñatex

Mélanie Broyé-Engelkes is the CEO of Ananas Anam, makers of Piñatex. It’s a leather alternative that’s made from the leaves of the pineapple plant, which are typically considered an agricultural waste product. These upcycled leaves are converted into a functional and luxurious-feeling material that can be used for everything from shoes to handbags, and more.

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Ep. 63 - You Can Buy a Piece of the Mycelium Revolution: Joanne Rodriguez and Mycocycle Are Literally Turning Trash into Treasure

What if we could take a lot of trash and seed it with fungal cultures that would eat it and render it no longer toxic within just a few weeks rather than having to wait centuries? That’s exactly what Mycocycle is planning to do, and we’ve got their CEO, Joanne Rodriguez, on the show to talk about it.

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Ep. 59 - Silk and Leather from Fermentation, Not Animals — David Breslauer and the Bolt Threads Story

David Breslauer is the co-founder and Chief Scientific Officer of Bolt Threads. He leads technology innovation at Bolt, creating and incubating biomaterials for improved consumer products. His obsession with biomaterials began with graduate research on silk during his Bioengineering Ph.D. at UC Berkeley and UCSF.

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Ep. 48 - Upcycling Mining Waste: The Phoenix Tailings Story with Nick Myers and Thomas Villalon, Jr.

After successfully experimenting for months in their backyard with materials given to them by a refinery, Nick and Thomas went on to found their start-up, got accepted to the prestigious Techstars accelerator, won a quarter-million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation, have filed for provisional patents on their process, and have now raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from investors. In short, they’re ready to get to work.

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Sustainability Paul Shapiro Sustainability Paul Shapiro

Ep. 46 - And You Thought Goodwill Was Just a Used Goods Store. Lori Dearwester Shares the Charity’s Story

If you’ve ever wondered what happens when you donate a bag of goods to Goodwill, what happens to the things that don’t sell, and what happens if you try to reclaim a donated item, this episode will answer all your questions. On this episode we’ve got Goodwill exec Lori Dearwester to tell us how it all works.

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Ep. 44 - The Business of Police Reform with Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams

There are few people with more credible voices on police reform than Brooklyn Borough President Eric Adams. As you’ll hear in the interview, Adams talks about how his experience of being beaten by the police while in custody as a black teenager led to him become a police officer himself for two decades, and then ultimately to a life in politics.

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Ep. 43 -Making Tap Water Cool Again: Will Bottled Water Be the Next Cigarette?

One serial entrepreneur, Rich “Raz” Razgaitis, is trying to make plastic-free tap water cool again, and wants you to think of single-use plastic water bottles as if they were as socially unacceptable as cigarettes. And so far he’s raised $25 million in venture capital to wage his purified tap water crusade.

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Sustainability Paul Shapiro Sustainability Paul Shapiro

Ep. 42 - Selling Cellular Agriculture the Nonprofit Way: Isha Datar and New Harvest

You’ll hear in this interview what role Isha Datar thinks nonprofits like hers should play in a nascent industry whose start-ups are attracting hundreds of millions of dollars of venture capital. As well, Isha discusses the fact that many of the people now working at cell ag start-ups have come through New Harvest and its ecosystem.

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Ep. 41 - Solving Plastic Pollution and Poverty Simultaneously: The Plastic Bank Story

In many countries, walking down city streets vividly brings to life two serious problems: plastic pollution and poverty. While there are charities trying to address both of these concerns, serial entrepreneur David Katz in 2013 thought there was an opportunity to marry the two issues and build a profitable business out of it. The result: Plastic Bank.

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Ep. 38 - Making Plastic Disappear with Notpla’s Seaweed Packaging

Rodrigo Garcia Gonzales and Pierre Paslier began ordering ingredients off Amazon and Alibaba and tinkered away in their kitchen. With a rough prototype in hand, they decided they’d launch a Kickstarter to see if there was interest in a new company that would make alternative packaging from seaweed. The result: A million dollars poured in and Notpla became a reality.

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